domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2017

A Family photograph

Hi FAU bloggers!!

Today I’m going to talk about a family photo that I like.  This photograph was taken around 2004, on the birthday of my maternal grandmother Lucia. In this photo all my maternal cousins ​​appear, blue is my sister Catherine and the baby in white is my niece Janys. The place of the photo is the house of my grandmother, this photo I like very much because they appear the mandalas that she weaves, some pictures, furniture. Not only that wall had different things of her, also the whole house was full of incredible materialities some old and others recycled.

In this photo my maternal cousins ​​are shown, many were the days that we spent playing in that house, had a tree of lemons and many flowers. Today, several of them have children. Unfortunately that house was sold after my grandmother went to paradise. This photo I really like because I remember when I was smaller and how easy it was to have fun with simple things. It is a photograph that keeps my family together, holds together the different generations that cross in a single moment. This image is not the original photograph, the truth is that I do not know where it is, who will have it or if it still exists, I only know that my heart does not erase it.

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Blogging in FAU

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